Saturday, February 09, 2008


By the way, the cats are absolutely bonkers. Just caught them eating a tube of cold-sore ointment.
They have nice lips though.

Walk on beach

Last weekend we met Col to go snowboard helmet shopping (for JACR - I've bumped my head so many times - my short term memory loss is so acute that I can't remember how painful it is....), went for lunch in a place where he has the hots for one of the waitresses, and then Family R headed off to White Rock to pick up some secondhand baby paraphernalia - we also stopped off at the beach to catch the sunset. We tried to fly the kite and failed - lack of daylight.


OK - so here's a picture of the bump - T minus about 5 weeks give or take.
As was Holly, the bump is called 'Bob'. If it's a girl, it'll be Andrewetta, obviously Black if it's a boy - OD may have slightly different views on the naming.......

Hols is also insistent that she has a baby inside her named 'Skippy' - attempts to have sensible discussions about how 'Skippy' is really pretend have been poo-poohed by Hols - she's started picking out outfits and toys for the Skipster.
Should be fun.

Sunday, February 03, 2008


Yes, I know we haven't posted a pic of the bump - we'll take one this week and stick it up.
It looks bumpy, and like there's an alien in there. Maybe I should take a video clip instead.

Snow down low

The day or so after going for the walk, the weather broke, and we had some snow at sea level - OD held a snowball making masterclass for Hols - she declared throwing snowballs the best part of the day.

walk up seymour

So I took a cheeky morning off work, as the unprecedented two week spell of blue skies was due to come to an end - got up early and went for a walk up Seymour - to be honest, I don't know when I'll ever get bored of having this 15 mins drive from home. Sunrise over Baker and Chilliwack valley peaks and general shots up the fraser valley and around. Crampons and ice axes, and back down in time for lunch. Right on.