Wednesday, March 15, 2006

We went boarding!

So, we went out on Friday after work and spent some (what seemed like significant) wedge on new everything for boarding

- boards, bindings, boots the works. Flushed with success at having spent some money, we decided to hit the slopes the next day.

Top conditions (for us) - some fresh snow and bright blue skies. Whilst OD was off boarding, I took Hols for a jaunt round the snowshoeing circuit - genius, and much more fun than going running - luckily the snow was well packed where the snow shoers had been, so I was able to get round in trainers - we had to stop so tourists could take photos of Holly.......


Anonymous said...

Lucky gits......

Anonymous said...

hey guys!!
glad to hear that it all well and that holly enjoyed her birthday!!!
great to see the pics of it! glad to hear that your able to fit in some bording andy!! you lucky gay!lol
catch you later
joe, claire, tom, and the bigest gay of all dad , chris bro or what ever you want to call him!!lol

p.s. joes e-mail is!!!